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Be on the lookout for an email from me, Jennifer Maker, and if you don't see it, be sure to check both your spam or promotions folders, as sometimes our emails can end up there! You can also search your inbox for an email from hello@jennifermaker.com.  

In the meantime, (and only for the next 20 minutes), I'd like to invite you to take advantage of this special offer to get my Cricut Coach Playbook for just $19. It's a collection of over 100 cheat sheets designed to help you get more out of your Cricut, and it's normally a $39 value.

Keep reading below to find out more, or simply scroll down to the bottom of this page to complete your free download. 


Need More Cricut Cheat Sheets?

Cricut Coach Playbook

The step-by-step guide that will forever change the way you use your Cricut!



Regularly $39


Become a Cricut Expert with my step-by-step e-book for all the popular tasks in Cricut Design Space!

The Cricut Coach Playbook is a handy reference -with over 100 diagrammed pages for all of the popular tasks in Cricut Design Space

Each of these "cheat sheets" show you exactly what to click and what to do for easy, fast results everytime.

By learning in small steps, you avoid the overwhelm that usually comes with trying to get control over something that is confusing and hard-to-remember.  

And good news if you're eager to start NOW. This 126-page printable playbook is instantly available to you as a digital download sent to your email. You can have it spiral bound at most office supply stores. Nothing will be shipped, meaning you don't have to pay shipping!

This collection of step-by-step diagrams gives you easy-to-follow directions for all the most popular tasks in Cricut Design Space! It tells you exactly what to do for each task. If you just want someone to tell you what to do, this is it.

Step by Step Guide to Master Your Cricut


More than 450,000 Cricut crafters are using and love the Cricut Coach Playbook!

Letter from Anna

I just bought Jennifer's Coach Playbook and let me tell you - this thing is worth every penny!! I so wish I'd had it this past weekend when I was ripping my hair out. If you haven't purchased yours yet, I highly recommend it!" -- Penny M. 

"Really love it! The color-coded system is brilliant. Not only does it keep things organized but it also makes everything look pretty! " -- Tiffany

"I will be printing, binding and keeping [the Playbook] right next to my Cricut. Your book is well written and the explanations are easy to understand! The visuals in it are appealing and it is vibrant and colorful. I love my Cricut, but tend to let fear of complication and failure prevent me from doing more than very basic things with it. I feel that your book will give me more confidence in using my Cricut! " — Megann E.

"I'm so excited to use the Cricut Coach Playbook. I love that Jennifer shows step-by-step directions for using Design Space with clear photos and color-coded prompts. With this playbook, I won't have to go searching for answers on how to make all the fun things that I want to make! I wish I had this when I first got my Cricut it would have saved me so much time!" — Robin B.

Testimonials From Readers

Don't wait, grab your Cricut Coach Playbook now and start using it immediately!

As Seen In

Does It Work For My Cricut?

The Cricut Coach Playbook is for any Cricut that uses Cricut Design Space! That means if you have one of these Cricuts, this Playbook will help you:  

  • Cricut Joy
  • Cricut Joy Xtra
  • Cricut Explore
  • Cricut Explore Air
  • Cricut Explore One
  • Cricut Explore Air 2
  • Cricut Explore 3
  • Cricut Explore 4
  • Cricut Maker
  • Cricut Maker 3
  • Cricut Maker 4
  • Cricut Venture

What Does the Playbook Cover?

This Playbook contains easy step-by-step instructions for all the popular tasks you can do in Cricut Design Space, including:  

How to Install Cricut Design Space
How to Open and Start a New Project
How to Connect to Your Cricut (Bluetooth)
How to Attach (Keep Things Together)
How to Group and Ungroup
How to Weld
How to Slice
How to Contour
How to Curve Text
How to Align & Distribute Objects
How to Kern & Change Letter Space
How to Weld Text & Keep Letter Centers
How to Offset and Knockout Text
How to Find and Bookmark Fonts
How to Change Font of Existing Text
How to Change Colors & Pattern Fills
How to Change Operation & Use Tools
How to Set Text to Write with a Pen
How to Score with Stylus or Wheel
How to Reposition Items on Mat Preview
How to Mirror and Cut Heat Transfer Vinyl
How to Use and Resize Templates
How to Use SnapMat
How to Save Work and View Saved Projects
How to Save for Offline
How to Share Links to Projects
How to Link Cartridges
How to Flatten
How to Print Then Cut
How to Upload Images
How to Erase Background from Image
How to Combine Multiple Projects Together
How to Upload SVG Files
How to Resize a Project
How to Follow Someone in Design Space
How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts
How to Use and Modify Custom Materials
How to Get Updates
How to Troubleshoot Problems

Instructions for these Cricut Design Space tasks are for ALL platforms, including Mac, Windows, iOS (iPhone/iPad), and Android, and each page is color-coded to the platform so you can find the page you need fast.

How Do I Know This Will Work?

You don't. But I do. My name is Jennifer and I'm the founder of JenniferMaker.com, a popular DIY & craft blog that has helped well over three million crafters in just the past three years.  

When I first got my Cricut, I had to spend SO much time online trying to figure out how to do each thing I wanted in Cricut Design Space. I watched so many YouTube videos, read so many blog posts, and checked a lot of Facebook groups.

And even after I'd learned how to do something, like Print Then Cut, I tended to forget the next time I went to do it. Then I'd start the research and learning all over again. Ugh!

So I began keeping notes on my computer for each thing I wanted to do. But my collection of notes became very long and rambling, and hard to follow. 

Then I got smart and simplified my notes, added screenshots, and printed them all out to keep RIGHT NEXT TO MY CRICUT. 

Jennifer Maker
Cricut Coach Playbook

That was the magic I needed. Now I could just pull out one of my note cards and see exactly what to do exactly when I needed it. 

Now I've been using my Cricut for a long time and I know how to do all the things ... and I can show you, too! Don't get overwhelmed. Just do one step at a time exactly as I have them laid out. 

If you trust me, then I know this will work.  

More than 475,000 crafters have purchased this Playbook since it came out, mostly on word of mouth. This is THE missing manual for your Cricut.  

And if it doesn't work, I'll refund your money with no questions asked.  

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

How to Upload SVG Files to an iPhone or iPad in Cricut Design Space

What If I'm Brand New to Cricut?

You are in the right place. My Cricut Coach Playbook contains cheat sheets for the most basic tasks, from starting a new project to updating your app. This is the perfect companion for a new Cricut user, as you can print it out and slide it right under your Cricut to reference each time you use it.

You can do this!

What If I Already Know My Cricut Well?

The Playbook will still help you! I don't know about you, but I still have to look up how to do lesser-used functions like Print Then Cut, SnapMat, and Contour. And when move from my desktop to my iPhone? All bets are off and I seem to forget how to do everything because it's in different places and with different names. These cheat sheets eliminate all the guesswork and you get things done FAST.

Cricut Coach Playbook

What If I Use a Mac? Or Android? Or my iPad? 

Great news! ALL of those are covered. I document how to do every thing on all the various versions of Cricut Design Space -- Mac, Windows, iOS (iPad/iPhone), and Android. So when you need to switch to your mobile device, or back to your desktop, you'll always know what to do.

How Fast Can I Get It?

Immediately after you order it! This is a digital product (nothing will be shipped to you). Keep it on your computer, your phone, or print it out and slide it under your Cricut ... or all of the above! 

Does It Have the Latest Updates to Design Space?

Yes! I updated this version in December 2024 and includes all the new features!

Ok, So How Much Is It? 

The 126-page, full-color Playbook is easily worth $40 or more, but for limited time I'm offering it at just $19. And -- great news -- the Playbook stays up-to-date!

And -- BONUS -- if there is a Cricut Design Space update, or a new feature comes out, you can re-download the updated Playbook to get all the new stuff. That's right — future updates to the Playbook are free of charge to purchasers!

ALSO, if you have idea for new pages, let me know -- if I get enough requests, I'll add them and you get access to the updated file.

The Cricut Coach Playbook will save you TONS of time AND you'll be able to make even more amazing things than before.

It's like having a Cricut expert in your pocket!

I absolutely loved everything in this playbook. It is very easily broken out so that way I don’t have to keep searching for answers. I also printed each page and laminated it that way I can easily refer back to it if I’m unsure about something. I would recommend it to anyone!!! - Carolyn G.

Cricut Coach Playbook

"Thank you for your help in understanding how to use and get the most out of my Cricut Explore Air 2. I really appreciate it." 

Vanessa S.

"Just a quick note to say "thanks" for sharing your time and expertise! I couldn't believe the tip you shared about the "Attach" function on the Cricut ... I've been trying to figure out for eons how to attach everything to one mat, and now that I know how I'm in my happy place!"" 

Kelly H.

"I have so enjoyed these Cricut lessons. Thank you so much for putting these together. " 

Nicky A.

Reviews from Shopify

Don't wait, grab your Cricut Coach Playbook at the discounted price of just $19 today!

YES, I want the Cricut Coach Playbook digital e-book now!

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